Museum Opening Day
The Museum Opened on 16 June, 2012
The Museum of Forks opened the exposition to the layman and professional public on Saturday 16 June, 2012. On that day there were various accompanying activities to underline the importance of the event. Nothing commercial. Don't even think about it…It was just the forkies and the forkologists, demonstrating their enthusiasm and dedication - across the cultures and across the genres.
On the evening before the BIG DAY (15 June 2012), the Barbar Bar in Bruntal hosted a warm-up performance of the music bands whose concerts were planned for the Saturday in the Museum of Forks.
Forkie Parade around Lichnov
Allegoric vehicles, marching bands, etc…look at the gallery. Great.
1st Forkie - Non-Olympic Games
It was the unique opportunity to be the first at the first Forkie- Non-Olympics !
Pitchfork Gathering
On the Museum Opening Day, visitors donated some more pitchforks to the Museum. Such a great contribution to the first thousand of forks.
Garden Party
The venue: Museum of Forks and the stables
Music performances by:
"Nebezpečné vidle" (Dangerous Fork)
Čížina" (The Cizina)
There were special events during the day, such as:
Museum Opening
Forkie 2011 Award Ceremony
Fork Group Christening Ceremony (at godparents' presence)
And, of course, delicious treats.
Overnighters coming alive. Coffee, breakfast, parting ceremony.
Thank you guys for coming.
Jan Gemela, of Fork
Museum-of-Fork Curator